And now we enter the second week of Christmas concerts, this one with the Northwest Indiana Symphony. Thursday night concert in Merrillville, Friday night in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Details HERE. They’ll be fun. They’ll be festive. I have nothing more to say about these events.
Saturday morning I’ll be doing a mini Oboe Reed Boot Camp for some high school students in Naperville IL. All the material from my fifteen-hour summer course condensed into three action-packed hours, starting at 9 in the morning. How can it fail? We’ll cover all of the skills but without the games, challenges, and individual work time. I’ll be interested to see whether this works and what the take-away is for the students.
Saturday evening I’ll be performing with Johnny Mathis at the Akoo Theater in Rosemont IL.
Sunday I’ll be baking cookies and sleeping deeply and for a long time.
And next week the holiday concerts start up in South Bend. Best part? YOU CAN PLAY WITH US! Yes, Thursday evening the 13th, at the University Park Mall, we will have a Side-By-Side concert for adults! Drag that oboe out of your closet, soak up your reed, and come join us for the Jingle Jam. Details are HERE - if you register in advance you get tickets to the Pops concert as well. How awesome is this? Come out to the mall, get your shopping done, and play Christmas music with a professional orchestra!
This is a new project for the Symphony this year and I must say I am very excited about it. Seems like everyone I talk to has a story about playing the viola in high school and wishing they hadn’t let it go. Pick it back up next week! This will be fun - and I will take it as a personal blow if no oboists show up.
Saturday morning I’ll be doing a mini Oboe Reed Boot Camp for some high school students in Naperville IL. All the material from my fifteen-hour summer course condensed into three action-packed hours, starting at 9 in the morning. How can it fail? We’ll cover all of the skills but without the games, challenges, and individual work time. I’ll be interested to see whether this works and what the take-away is for the students.
Saturday evening I’ll be performing with Johnny Mathis at the Akoo Theater in Rosemont IL.
Sunday I’ll be baking cookies and sleeping deeply and for a long time.
And next week the holiday concerts start up in South Bend. Best part? YOU CAN PLAY WITH US! Yes, Thursday evening the 13th, at the University Park Mall, we will have a Side-By-Side concert for adults! Drag that oboe out of your closet, soak up your reed, and come join us for the Jingle Jam. Details are HERE - if you register in advance you get tickets to the Pops concert as well. How awesome is this? Come out to the mall, get your shopping done, and play Christmas music with a professional orchestra!
This is a new project for the Symphony this year and I must say I am very excited about it. Seems like everyone I talk to has a story about playing the viola in high school and wishing they hadn’t let it go. Pick it back up next week! This will be fun - and I will take it as a personal blow if no oboists show up.
How fun and what a great idea! I wonder how far away this is from Rapid City? Probably too far to drive. Haha, we just played 'Sleigh Ride' in concert yesterday and this morning. Must be a popular piece. Have fun!