When I am performing and things are going really well, time seems to slow down. I am completely in control of my playing and of the music coming up, and I own the air around me. This is not some mythical "runner's high" that only hits once in a blue moon, but a fairly normal occurrence. Over the past few months, though, I have realized that it's not okay to just wait for that zone and hope it comes. My out-of-the-zone performances are not bad - I can always play the oboe - but they are not good ENOUGH. Cases in point - recent auditions in Milwaukee, Utah, Indianapolis, Cleveland. I go in, and in my first round I am unsinkable. I know what I'm doing, how to do it, and I perceive exactly what the situation requires. If I make little mistakes they don't matter. The silence between the excerpts is mine, just as the sound is when I begin to play. In each case I am pleased but unsurprised when I advance. But each time, I return for t...