So here's a question. Am I doing it wrong, or is it just that every person does it differently? This year I've been playing much more second oboe than ever before. I've been fortunate - both Fort Wayne and Milwaukee are down a member in their sections, and have been calling me to fill in until they hold their auditions, so I've lucked into more of this high-quality work than usual. And playing second is a very different task than playing first. When I play principal my job is to be a soloist. I set the oboe sound that the section needs to match, and my approach to the piece is what everyone else reacts to. Of course I am responsible for joining and matching the rest of the orchestra, particularly the other woodwinds, but I have a lot of freedom to play the music the way I hear it. Even when I play English horn, although I am technically the third voice of the oboe section, I mostly play by myself. It's a different instrument, it has its own solo...