I can remember at least two old cranky violinists coming to talk to young me about NOT going into music. There was a session, for example, during a Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra retreat in which a real RPO professional (who was probably 47 but whom I remember as ancient) told us that, statistically, no one who graduates from music school wins auditions for jobs because there are only like 4 jobs out there in the world and 7000 hotshots coming into the job market every week. Quit NOW. I may have misremembered the details of this speech, but I remember the emotional jolt. It was designed to discourage. Last weekend I was presenting at a Double Reed Festival, and heard some oboists grumbling about another presenter who had evidently given something of the same talk to a roomful of masterclass attendees and participants. High school students and cheerful adult amateurs. And look, there's an element of truth to this. Classical music is not...