I was chatting with a friend this week and she was lamenting being too busy to write. It’s exactly the way I’ve been feeling, and something I rarely hear a musician say. We always complain that we haven’t been practicing - in fact, I think I said precisely that back to her - but mostly we musicians don’t talk about our other forms of creativity, and that’s a sad thing, Even when I can’t make time to practice, I play the oboe every day. When I’m sitting in rehearsal I try to bring mindfulness to my work, so it’s not just walking through notes and rhythms but actively trying to be artistic, to be interesting, to play with integrity, to be great. This is why I can let practicing go on a busy day - it’s not that I don’t need it, but I can scratch that itch at work, while simultaneously doing something someone else wants. I’m a multitasker from way back. Writing though, is a thing I can’t do while I’m making reeds. Or when I’m in rehe...