There's a moment - a few weeks before the event - in which it seems like you might really surpass yourself. That your Mozart concerto, say, could be something really special. You have a good reed. You're working on small sections, or you're doing slow run-throughs, or you're tossing a single movement onto a CD Release recital, and you feel pretty unstoppable. But the closer you come to the actual performance date, the more it becomes clear that THIS is the you you are going to be, that THESE are the reeds you are going to have in your case, that miracles are not going to happen and thus THIS is how it's going to go. And it's a sort of a disappointment, you know? I'm not actually disappointing, I know that. I'm playing well, and I love Mozart, and this concert will be tremendous fun. But it probably won't be transcendent. It probably won't live up to the potential that I sensed a month ago. It probably won't herald the dawn of a whol...