Zoe loves her new set of alphabet books (thanks, neighbors!), the format of which is very simple. We opened the U book and the first picture was a unicorn. Zoe knows nothing of unicorns, but she was confident. "Goat!" " What is that picture, Sweetie?" "Goat!" "What is that letter ?" I was pointing to the big U, which is in fact a letter Zoe knows. She can pick it out of the refrigerator magnets and alphabet blocks, and label it easily. "Goat!" "But, Zoe, what is the letter here ?" "Guh-guh-guh-Goat", she said, looking at me as though I was an idiot. Little girl knows the drill, all right. But in this two-year-old cuteness I read the completely normal human response of ignoring the facts that don't coincide with the "truth" we hold in our heads. I see it everywhere - in our politics, in our religions, in our day-to-day interactions. And if my brilliant daughter isn't immune I can't possi...